Cryptography in a Quantum World -- Paris Rally, 2024 May 23-24
This is an informal rally for the Paris crypto x quantum community to welcome Claude Crépeau as INRIA’s International Chair Awardee.
The objective of the meeting is to:
- get a sense of what everyone is currently doing
- identify and plan possible future collaborations
The format purposefully light and relaxed, with 2 to 3 30’ talks per session and at least 30’ to chat freely after the talks.
The rally will take place in amphi 55B at Jussieu. For speakers: It has large blackboards and a video projection system.
There will be coffee breaks outside the amphitheatrer. Lunch is on your own.
Program (final until next revision)
MAY 23 | ||
10:30 | Welcome | |
11:00 | Claude Crépeau | Do unicorns have wings? |
14:00 | Ivan Supic | Compiled XOR games |
14:30 | Yoann Piétri & Matteo Schiavon | Experimental Quantum Cryptography at LIP6 |
15:00 | Paul Hilaire | A spin-optical quantum computing architecture |
15:30 | Discussion | |
16:00 | Petros Wallden | Quantum solutions to the Shortest Vector Problem |
16:30 | Henry Bambury | Lattice-based cryptanalysis of post-quantum proposals |
17:00 | Leo Colisson | Round-optimal oblivious transfer without structure |
17:30 | Discussion |
MAY 24 | ||
10:00 | Elham Kashefi | Why Crypto Community should care about Verification of Quantum Computing |
10:30 | Luka Music | On the necessity to integrate verification early into hardware architectures |
11:00 | Harold Ollivier | Fault-Tolerant Verification of Quantum Computations |
11:20 | Sami Abdul-Sater | Circuit model helps MBQC verification, and vice-versa |
12:00 | Maxime Garnier | Weak Coherent Pulse Secure Delegated Quantum Computation |
12:20 | Discussion | |
14:00 | Michael Oliveira | Heuristic-free Verification-inspired Quantum Benchmarking |
14:30 | Uta Meyer | Self-Testing Graph States Permitting Bounded Classical Communication |
15:00 | Paul Hermouet | Unclonable Cryptography in the Plain Model |
15:30 | André Chailloux | The Quantum Decoding Problem |
16:00 | Discussion | |
16:30 | Jessica Bavaresco | Higher-order operations approach to channel discrimination |
17:00 | Vanessa Brzić & Marco Túlio Quintino | How to store quantum operations on quantum states |
17:30 | Damian Markham | Secure networks of sensors |
18:00 | Discussion about future collaborations |
This event is supported by ANR project SecNISQ and